Yesterday at IMNHC 2023, we talked about overcoming the stumbling blocks in maternal newborn health. We zeroed in on the money—specifically, how we can prioritize and finance initiatives for maternal newborn health at the primary health care level.
We know that it’s not just about spending more money, but spending it strategically. We heard how locally-led initiatives increase community acceptance of these investments. And we learned how performance-based and needs-based financing helps funding get to those who need it most.
During the Technical Marketplace, we saw innovations in both tools and approaches for service delivery that can meet unique needs of people who need it most.
The way we structure our financing systems can enhance our health system goals, without compromising quality of care. Building strong systems will help deliver quality services at scale, helping more mothers, newborns, families, and communities.
What to expect today, 11 May
Here are some highlights of what to expect from today’s conference programming:
8:00 SAST - Morning plenary - Imagine a World Where Mothers and Newborns…
16:10 SAST - Closing plenary - Focus on the Future: Accelerating Evidence into Action. Don’t miss our exciting closing plenary today as we close a historic convening and look to the future.
All other breakout sessions will take place throughout CTICC 1 and CTICC 2. To see the full program, click here.
Expo Hall will be open from 10:00 - 15:30 SAST
Plenary livestreams
IMNHC 2023 livestreams will conclude today with our final two plenaries. Our plenary sessions have all been livestreamed in four languages (English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese) and available to re-watch on YouTube. LEARN MORE
News and announcements
Global Health Experts Issue Urgent Call To Action To Improve Maternal And Newborn Survival
IMNHC | 10 May
152 million babies born preterm in the last decade
PMNCH | 10 May
Health experts pledge to reverse stalled maternal and newborn outcomes
Devex | 10 May
A simple, low-cost treatment process could save 22,000 new mothers' lives every year, scientists suggest
NBC News | 10 May
IMNHC2023: Stakeholders Move To Curb Maternal Mortality Ahead Of Sustainable Development Goals 2030
The Independent (Nigeria) | 10 May
High child birth rate making India accountable for higher maternal-newborn deaths and stillbirths
Times of India | 10 May
India among 10 countries that make up 60 % of global maternal deaths, still births, new born deaths: UN study
Times of India | 10 May
UN study says India among 10 countries that make up 60 % of global maternal deaths, still births, new born deaths
The Economic Times (India) | 10 May
Why are survival rates for premature babies so low?
BBC Worldservice - Africa Daily | 10 May
Nigeria, Others Contribute 97% Of Global Preventable Maternal Mortality
The Independent (Nigeria) | 10 May
Climate crisis worsening already high levels of maternal and newborn mortality: Experts
The Nation (Kenya) | 10 May
Publications Born too soon: decade of action on preterm birth PMNCH | 10 May Focusing On Multiple Micronutrient Supplements In Pregnancy: Second Edition Sight and Life | 10 May
Reminders for onsite delegates
Translation headsets For those who have checked out interpretation headsets, kindly return them to the interpretation desk (near main entrance to CTICC). Shuttle schedule Shuttles from conference hotels to the Cape Town International Airport will run today and tomorrow 11-12 May. Today, 11 May, shuttles will run from 04:00 until 20:00, departing hourly, with the last shuttle departing at 20:00. Tomorrow, 12 May, shuttles will run from 04:00 until 19:00, departing hourly, with the last shuttle departing at 19:00. Please plan to leave on a shuttle at least three hours before your international flight or two hours before your domestic flight. An extra hour is recommended during peak traffic times, 16:00 – 18:00. Departure assistance staff will be dressed in event branded shirts holding signage at each hotel. Shuttles will be clearly marked with the event signage on both front and side windows. Shuttles will depart from hotels only; no departure shuttle service is being offered from the CTICC to the airport. For more information, please click here. Safety A reminder to please be aware of your surroundings when walking around the city of Cape Town. Please be vigilant and refer to the security and safety information previously provided. Should you experience any incident while here, please complete the IMNHC 2023 Incident Reporting Form.